Cocos nucifera
English: Coconut
Sanskrit/Indian: Narikela
Russian: Кокос

General information:
Coconut is a fruit found in tropical climates. Because if its distinct flavor and aroma, it is used in many culinary preparations. The fruit is rich in proteins and eliminates intestinal parasites, while Coconut water is helpful in treating kidney and urinary bladder disorders. The essential oil extracted from the fruit is beneficial in healing superficial wounds and cuts.
Octanoic acid, which has antifungal properties, is one of the major active constituents of Coconut. It also contains vitamins E and K and minerals such as iron. Polyphenols, such as gallic acid, gives the fruit its fragrance and taste.
- Because of its inherent antifungal and antibacterial properties, Coconut oil is an extremely popular ingredient in haircare and skincare products.
- Coconut is helpful in treating urinogenital disorders.
- Coconut stimulates the digestive system and eliminates stomach disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.